Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Computer challenged!

PS. I am to inform all that Bretta promises to join this weekend (August 14th or 15th). I will personally bring harm if she fails to comply. Also, she is currently playing on her new Blackberry for you freaks that like to BBM. Add her if she can figure out what she's doing! Love you ladies and there is always room at our apartment for some Statins!!!

My Life with Bretta Nichole

Well hello to my sexy Statins! I miss you ladies sooo much and I can't believe it has been 3 months since we graduated!!!! As you are all aware, I got a job in Columbia on the oncology unit at Palmetto Health Baptist. For those of you that are not in Columbia and actually read this blog (aka Linds and Tori) this hospital is the downtown location while Les, Em and Bretta are on a different campus. I had my first day on the floor yesterday and got punched by a demented hospice patient so that was interesting, but I also got to see intrathecal chemotherapy be placed by a lumbar puncture, so highs and lows! haha! I hope I will like it, there is a 10 bed hospice unit attached to the 30 bed oncology unit, so we will see how the death and dying part works for me.

I am also moving in with Bretta on the 17th to our new 2 bedroom apartment, which will be a great improvement to the air mattress I have been living on for 2 weeks now in the tiny living room in her current 1 bedroom! My attempts to figure out her gmail situation and get her on board this blog have been slow coming, but alas I am trying.

I miss you ladies so much! Call me please!!!!!!